How I pictured it:
I imagined lots of smiles and laughter from my girls as they sat at the table working on crafts and puzzles. I imagined dance parties, tea parties, playing dolls and dress-up all while the laundry was magically finished, the house stayed clean and the kids stayed happy. I pictured Carter off to the side playing nicely or sitting in my lap, happy to be a part of such a wonderful moment. I imagined coming out of this experience refreshed, enthused and grateful that I had come across such an encouraging blog and wishing I had done it sooner.
How it really went:
I shut the t.v. off and told the girls we were going to make a list about all the things we wanted to do INSTEAD of watching t.v. Kaylea jumped right in with ideas like shopping, going out to eat, the bounce house, etc. All things that cost money. Natalie crossed her arms and growled at me. I persuaded Kaylea to think of things to do at home; things that didn't require us to spend money. We came up with a list of 20. Not bad, they're 3 and 5. I warned them next week would be no t.v. They just stared at me like I was crazy (or stupid).
When the week begins they're awake when I get home from exercising. Their dad has the t.v. on. "that's ok," I tell myself, "he didn't know". So I tell them they can watch one show and the t.v. goes off. Long story didn't go so well and by 10 a.m. I was exhausted and stressed. Maybe a whole week was a little ambitious. I'll just start with one day and go from there. I declared Wednesday a NO TV day. Again I failed and they were watching shows as soon as they woke up. Maybe this is more like a diet. You cheat a little, but get right back on the wagon. I shut the t.v. off and explained all the fun things we were going to do today.
I brought down all the laundry and started a load, but then Carter woke up and needed changed and fed. The girls brought down the tea set for breakfast. Every. Single. Piece. After that I brought up all the bins of clothes so they could try them on and see what we needed to buy for the upcoming school year. I told them it would be like a dress-up party. We crank up the music and get half-way through the tubs when they come across last years slipper p.j.'s. It's 103 outside and the refuse to take them off. Party over and Carter has dumped 2 bins out on the floor.
Ok, fine. How about a 'count-down until school' chain? They're excited to do that, so we get out the paper, scissors and glue. I'm secretly counting down the days as well as they cut paper, ask for help a million times and Natalie doesn't quite understand the concept of "dot, dot, not a lot". Carter is climbing up and down chairs, reaching for scissors and screaming at me each time I pull him off the table. Natalie asks 3 times what we're making and if she can watch Calliou.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. We build a fort, play little-people, do stickers and play toys upstairs. Every activity is interrupted with short attention spans, diaper changes and frustration. It's only 10 a.m. I scream out of frustration and exhaustion...and tell them to forget it...Dora's coming on t.v.
Reality Check:
I'm not as successful as the super-mom blogger and I secretly want to punch her. She must have a maid...and a nanny. Whatever. Lesson learned. I'll make a bigger effort to do more and watch less, but t.v. isn't going away in this house. I have 3 kids under 5 and there must be some sanity time or I will inevitably lose my mind. Judge if you must....or better yet, come entertain my kiddos ;)
I am laughing're a perfect and real mom!!!!