If ever there were a day to blog about, today might be it. I often have requests for more of these type blogs, as if peaking into this life is so chaotic, so crazy and humorous, it couldn't possibly be true. Oh but it is. The plus side? It's pretty typical of most mothers so I don't feel quite as alone in this mess. Right?!? ;)
Our family is in a huge transition right now. Kaylea started kindergarten, Natalie began preschool, I start school Monday to finally finish my degree, and that puts Carter in daycare. Sean must now push his work schedule behind to take kids to school, which inevitably means later nights. Between the tears of guilt, exhaustion and frustration, I've been trying to organize our house and life in a way that allows me to quickly get things done and keep things in order. (Too little too late, I'm afraid.) My only goal today...finish laundry and clean house. Now insert Carter, Kaylea and Natalie :)
It's one of those days where you're pretty serious about hunting down that easy button in the commercials. Everything I touched fell, emptied, or blew up in my face. Our dishwasher AND microwave both quit this week. (how did people LIVE before those?!?) My sweet, responsible Kaylea has decided to go haywire since starting kindergarten. I know that she's exhausted, but she's also been sassy, demanding, emotional and now sick. Natalie has decided she's not talking about anything and instead she will be stomping her feet and huffing around the house. They are still 5 and 3 right? Did I miss the years before they hit teenager status? And Carter caught on pretty quick to the fact that he was the only child in the house during the day, which is why he's taken the liberty of destroying twice as much, talking WAY more, and making sure I'm never left alone with his constant tackles, pushes and hold-me tantrums. Ahhh, sweet bliss. How could it get any better than this?
I'll tell you how. I finally finish all the laundry and leave it on the table nicely folded to go get a basket and carry it upstairs. Carter climbs on the table while I'm away for 1.3 seconds and wipes the table clean for me. I come back with my jaw to the floor and he's sitting there laughing like he's just done something completely cute and rewarding. Carter now goes in the pack 'n play. While refolding all the laundry I hear Natalie's sweet stomps upstairs as she's yelling at Kaylea to stop talking to her. Kaylea then responds with a lovely ear-piercing scream and drama rolls through the hall. Carter is taking off every magnet on the chore charts and eating them. I set him free. While cleaning bathrooms Natalie empties half the bottle and all of the paper towels on one mirror, Carter drips toilet water from the brush all over the carpet and Kaylea's still crying. Lunch time rolls around and Carter climbs the table again, knocking off the clothes I didn't get put away. Kaylea starts talking again and Natalie plugs her ears. Sweet nap time is just around the corner, but first a phone call-warning me to check my kids for lice, and another needing an invoice made. Nap time finally comes, the clothes finally get put away and the floor gets swept and mopped. Before I know it they're all awake again and we must get ready for a birthday party. More tears fall over outfits and hair bows, but we're all clean, ready to go and only 20 minutes late. Except Carter gets outside undetected and finds a mud puddle. After we chase him down and change his clothes, Kaylea gets sick. I get her cleaned and changed and we FINALLY take off. We stop to pick up a present at Wal-mart, but Kaylea gets sick again. Clean her up, get the gift, get out....she gets sick again. Clean her up, get in the car, go home.
I walk in and crunch a handful of cereal balls on the floor with my foot. Didn't I JUST sweep and mop? Did I exchange my life for a zoo? Suddenly it makes perfect sense to me why mothers get such a bad rap for being crazy. It's completely and totally because of their children! And you can bet that the first time Kaylea calls me crazy, I'm going to sit her down, pull up these blogs, and tell her abstinence is the only way to stay sane. ;)
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Saturday, August 25, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
In this world, you will have trouble...
..."but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." -John 16:33
My 'troubles' are petty compared to the rest of this world. A bad day at home is listening to three cranky children while trying to accomplish the impossible task of laundry and dishes. A bad day in another mom's home is wondering where the food will come from to feed her babies who are crying from hunger. A bad day in my world is finding out I'll have to add more classes if I ever want to graduate on time, even though I plan on staying at home after graduation. A bad day in another mom's home is learning her hours have been cut from her two jobs and she can't afford the rent this month. A bad day in our life is paying all the bills but not being able to do the extra things or take a weekend trip because it's 'tight' this month. In another mom's home, it's living with abuse because she can't afford to leave.
I'm being reminded these last few weeks that, although my God cares for me and wants the best for me, the 'lack' is not the worst. While I struggle with a sick child, a broken dishwasher and a tight budget, a friend of mine is struggling with a baby diagnosed with cancer, and his road to recovery as she prepares to welcome another baby in a few short weeks. Though my tears are pouring down for the stress and uncertainty in my life, even more are pouring out for the mother's around me and far away, with far more on their hearts and minds than I could ever imagine.
My God is great, and greatly to be praised, no matter the circumstances of this life. So 'be of good cheer' and press on. It doesn't last forever. :)
My 'troubles' are petty compared to the rest of this world. A bad day at home is listening to three cranky children while trying to accomplish the impossible task of laundry and dishes. A bad day in another mom's home is wondering where the food will come from to feed her babies who are crying from hunger. A bad day in my world is finding out I'll have to add more classes if I ever want to graduate on time, even though I plan on staying at home after graduation. A bad day in another mom's home is learning her hours have been cut from her two jobs and she can't afford the rent this month. A bad day in our life is paying all the bills but not being able to do the extra things or take a weekend trip because it's 'tight' this month. In another mom's home, it's living with abuse because she can't afford to leave.
I'm being reminded these last few weeks that, although my God cares for me and wants the best for me, the 'lack' is not the worst. While I struggle with a sick child, a broken dishwasher and a tight budget, a friend of mine is struggling with a baby diagnosed with cancer, and his road to recovery as she prepares to welcome another baby in a few short weeks. Though my tears are pouring down for the stress and uncertainty in my life, even more are pouring out for the mother's around me and far away, with far more on their hearts and minds than I could ever imagine.
My God is great, and greatly to be praised, no matter the circumstances of this life. So 'be of good cheer' and press on. It doesn't last forever. :)
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
I hereby establish a "NO TV" day...
I read a blog last week from a mother who decided enough was enough. Her kids were fighting over what shows to watch on t.v. and bargaining for more time. She had had enough and bravely (or stupidly) unplugged the t.v. She sat her kids down and created a list of 100 things to do besides watch television. She blogged how well it went and that the family even decided to make it last for 2 weeks, they were having so much fun! I wittingly (or stupidly) decided I could do the same.
How I pictured it:
I imagined lots of smiles and laughter from my girls as they sat at the table working on crafts and puzzles. I imagined dance parties, tea parties, playing dolls and dress-up all while the laundry was magically finished, the house stayed clean and the kids stayed happy. I pictured Carter off to the side playing nicely or sitting in my lap, happy to be a part of such a wonderful moment. I imagined coming out of this experience refreshed, enthused and grateful that I had come across such an encouraging blog and wishing I had done it sooner.
How it really went:
I shut the t.v. off and told the girls we were going to make a list about all the things we wanted to do INSTEAD of watching t.v. Kaylea jumped right in with ideas like shopping, going out to eat, the bounce house, etc. All things that cost money. Natalie crossed her arms and growled at me. I persuaded Kaylea to think of things to do at home; things that didn't require us to spend money. We came up with a list of 20. Not bad, they're 3 and 5. I warned them next week would be no t.v. They just stared at me like I was crazy (or stupid).
When the week begins they're awake when I get home from exercising. Their dad has the t.v. on. "that's ok," I tell myself, "he didn't know". So I tell them they can watch one show and the t.v. goes off. Long story short...it didn't go so well and by 10 a.m. I was exhausted and stressed. Maybe a whole week was a little ambitious. I'll just start with one day and go from there. I declared Wednesday a NO TV day. Again I failed and they were watching shows as soon as they woke up. Maybe this is more like a diet. You cheat a little, but get right back on the wagon. I shut the t.v. off and explained all the fun things we were going to do today.
I brought down all the laundry and started a load, but then Carter woke up and needed changed and fed. The girls brought down the tea set for breakfast. Every. Single. Piece. After that I brought up all the bins of clothes so they could try them on and see what we needed to buy for the upcoming school year. I told them it would be like a dress-up party. We crank up the music and get half-way through the tubs when they come across last years slipper p.j.'s. It's 103 outside and the refuse to take them off. Party over and Carter has dumped 2 bins out on the floor.
Ok, fine. How about a 'count-down until school' chain? They're excited to do that, so we get out the paper, scissors and glue. I'm secretly counting down the days as well as they cut paper, ask for help a million times and Natalie doesn't quite understand the concept of "dot, dot, not a lot". Carter is climbing up and down chairs, reaching for scissors and screaming at me each time I pull him off the table. Natalie asks 3 times what we're making and if she can watch Calliou.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. We build a fort, play little-people, do stickers and play toys upstairs. Every activity is interrupted with short attention spans, diaper changes and frustration. It's only 10 a.m. I scream out of frustration and exhaustion...and tell them to forget it...Dora's coming on t.v.
Reality Check:

I'm not as successful as the super-mom blogger and I secretly want to punch her. She must have a maid...and a nanny. Whatever. Lesson learned. I'll make a bigger effort to do more and watch less, but t.v. isn't going away in this house. I have 3 kids under 5 and there must be some sanity time or I will inevitably lose my mind. Judge if you must....or better yet, come entertain my kiddos ;)
How I pictured it:
I imagined lots of smiles and laughter from my girls as they sat at the table working on crafts and puzzles. I imagined dance parties, tea parties, playing dolls and dress-up all while the laundry was magically finished, the house stayed clean and the kids stayed happy. I pictured Carter off to the side playing nicely or sitting in my lap, happy to be a part of such a wonderful moment. I imagined coming out of this experience refreshed, enthused and grateful that I had come across such an encouraging blog and wishing I had done it sooner.
How it really went:
I shut the t.v. off and told the girls we were going to make a list about all the things we wanted to do INSTEAD of watching t.v. Kaylea jumped right in with ideas like shopping, going out to eat, the bounce house, etc. All things that cost money. Natalie crossed her arms and growled at me. I persuaded Kaylea to think of things to do at home; things that didn't require us to spend money. We came up with a list of 20. Not bad, they're 3 and 5. I warned them next week would be no t.v. They just stared at me like I was crazy (or stupid).
When the week begins they're awake when I get home from exercising. Their dad has the t.v. on. "that's ok," I tell myself, "he didn't know". So I tell them they can watch one show and the t.v. goes off. Long story short...it didn't go so well and by 10 a.m. I was exhausted and stressed. Maybe a whole week was a little ambitious. I'll just start with one day and go from there. I declared Wednesday a NO TV day. Again I failed and they were watching shows as soon as they woke up. Maybe this is more like a diet. You cheat a little, but get right back on the wagon. I shut the t.v. off and explained all the fun things we were going to do today.
I brought down all the laundry and started a load, but then Carter woke up and needed changed and fed. The girls brought down the tea set for breakfast. Every. Single. Piece. After that I brought up all the bins of clothes so they could try them on and see what we needed to buy for the upcoming school year. I told them it would be like a dress-up party. We crank up the music and get half-way through the tubs when they come across last years slipper p.j.'s. It's 103 outside and the refuse to take them off. Party over and Carter has dumped 2 bins out on the floor.
Ok, fine. How about a 'count-down until school' chain? They're excited to do that, so we get out the paper, scissors and glue. I'm secretly counting down the days as well as they cut paper, ask for help a million times and Natalie doesn't quite understand the concept of "dot, dot, not a lot". Carter is climbing up and down chairs, reaching for scissors and screaming at me each time I pull him off the table. Natalie asks 3 times what we're making and if she can watch Calliou.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. We build a fort, play little-people, do stickers and play toys upstairs. Every activity is interrupted with short attention spans, diaper changes and frustration. It's only 10 a.m. I scream out of frustration and exhaustion...and tell them to forget it...Dora's coming on t.v.
Reality Check:
I'm not as successful as the super-mom blogger and I secretly want to punch her. She must have a maid...and a nanny. Whatever. Lesson learned. I'll make a bigger effort to do more and watch less, but t.v. isn't going away in this house. I have 3 kids under 5 and there must be some sanity time or I will inevitably lose my mind. Judge if you must....or better yet, come entertain my kiddos ;)
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